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“To cut a long story short, I was born on the East coast of Africa. When I was seven I had a dream of people from all nations joining hands around the world. By the time I was twelve the dream became a message of three simple words – Help Each Other.
Then when I was fourteen my mother died and I became homeless. After four years of living on the street, I had a choice to join a monastery or The Royal Marines Commandos. I chose to join The Royal Marines Commandos and soon excelled to become a soldier in the United Kingdom Special Forces. Whilst I was in the UKSF the dream and message became a vision for the whole of humanity. So I resigned to share the message and vision with every person in every nation.
For over 40 years, I have shared my dream and gifted my message free of charge. I have done this by doing in all kinds of work - from potato picking to a body guard and personal advisor to pay for all the costs.
The purpose of making this film and book is to inspire, educate and motivate people in these challenging times to help each other. I believe that A World Changing Dream project will raise human compassion and consciousness worldwide in profoundly powerful ways.”